mineralwaters.org is a non-profit consumer web site that offers comprehensive information about and around bottled water. Help support mineralwaters.org and keep this valuable resource free and independent.
Over 3'200 brands from 128 countries are presented with their contents. Have a look a the list of brands, sorted by country or sorted alphabetically.
The Bottled Water RatingsRate your favourite waters!
Ewald Schnug from the German Ferderal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL) in Braunschweig has published the mineral content analysis of a wide number of bottled waters. You can find the results here.
Water contains various minerals - some good for your health, others less so. Explore the different ingredients of bottled waters.
The best water is of no use if you cannot get it. Therefore, you can now look who is offering your favourite water, or search directly for a distributor by country.
Distributors that are not yet listed will find information regarding the listing here
Discuss every imagineable aspect of water in the Forum. This is the place to ask questions, read answers, find partners for your new business venture, and open new distribution channels.
Where does water come from? Some 70% of the earth is covered with water. But nearly all is unavailable for human consumption without being processed first. The oceans make up for 97% and the polar ice shields hold another 2%. Only about 1% is soft water from lakes, rives and underground sources, but even from that tiny amount an increasing part is unsafe for human consumption.
All over the world, water is one of the most popular drinks. Its popularity with consumers increased over the last couple of years dramatically. This led to an explosion of available brands. So, keep on exploring the world of water, as it is the best drink for you.